Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Just because you know...

doesn't mean you have the slightest clue. This is one mantra moms...or maybe I should say parents, should live by. You've been there, done that. The second time around should be a piece of cake. Maybe there's that minor hurdle of having a child of the opposite gender to what you already have, but other than that, easy. You're a well seasoned mom now. Right? Silly mommy. Sure, you can offer advice on preference for bottles, which diapers worked best for you, even bedtime strategies. However, don't be fooled into thinking it'll all be the same for your second babe. With my luck, I figured pregnancy, birth (God bless you, epidural-inventor) and *knock on wood* up until now, our daughter has been fairly easy in all aspects, so I knew the odds were stacked against us. I had no idea how high those odds were. If a rougher pregnancy wasn't a red flag, I should have known by his birth this one wasn't going to be the most patient child. He was doing it his way and no one was convincing him otherwise.

This second child we've been blessed with has tested our patience. Don't get me wrong, we adore this little boy to pieces. He is the sweetest, cuddliest boy in the world. He just happens to know what he wants and refuses to abide by anyone else's rules when he's got his mind set. So when you get those two pretty lines announcing your second child is on his or her way, don't even toy with the thought that you know anything about parenthood.  Sometimes sweet, sometimes funny, sometimes you're at your wit's end.  No matter though, it's a wonderful, topsy-turvy ride.

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