Thursday, March 15, 2012

Let them go.

I remember my nieces and nephew having some cute ways of saying words.  They thought it was right and we thought it was adorable, so that's what mattered.  My oldest niece would say, 'hold you!' with her arms outstretched instead of 'hold me'.  My nephew would ask, 'What you doonin'?'  Then there was the youngest niece who had a way of saying 'coffee' that sounded obscene.  So maybe in that case a child should be corrected in the proper way to say a word, but for the most part, it's so much fun to listen to little ones speak.  They hear a word and maybe they simply didn't hear it clearly or maybe they just have a hard time putting certain sounds together, who knows.  

Bree has come up with some funny words over her four years.  The most memorable was when Bob was sitting at the table looking at the Sunday paper around Christmas two years ago.  He's a Star Wars geek and saw Toys R Us had the Millenium Falcon in their ad.  He commented on it and Bree repeated...or at least her version of the ship's name, sounding like she was saying 'M---er F----er'.  We laughed, like parents do.  Told my brother, stupidly, who then would constantly try to get her to say Millenium Falcon.  But I digress.

I'm looking forward to Layne's butchered words.  As of now, most things sound similar to ball, but he knows what he's saying and we're starting to understand him, too.  Can't wait to hear the sounds and words this boy will come up with.  I have a feeling we're in for an entertaining ride with this kid!

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